Ecoe 20th-anniversary brand film, comparable to the cinema blockbuster!

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In late December, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the brand’s birth, Smallware Lighting released a new brand video. In late December, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the brand, a new brand video was released. With 1 minute and 25 seconds of content, the brand strength is narrated, and the brand proposition of “Shine Extraordinary” is cleverly and flexibly interpreted, so that everyone can see a different kind of small tool ghost in the drizzle!

The 20th anniversary, the significance of the promotional film. As soon as the film was released, it won many customers, users and partners who have grown up with the small tool ghost all the way to praise! So, what makes the film resonate with the audience and trigger the brand’s centripetal force?

Creative and unique

The brand label is stunning

From creativity, style concept, to narration screen determination, and then formal shooting, post-editing, the small tool ghost brand film took six months to complete. Abandoning the traditional narrative of corporate videos, the film uses the analogy of “Genesis” as the introduction and opens up the creativity in a magnificent way! “God created the world in 7 days, using light to illuminate the earth ……” to echo the mission of bringing light to the users with the creation of the Small Tools Ghost brand.

The film is narrated in first person, combined with the brand’s 20-year evolution, and portrayed by a young and strong male actor, with a strong narration, fully shaping a tough, sunny brand image, a beautiful symbol of the small tool ghost in its prime, stable and energetic. Compared with traditional corporate videos, such as a straightforward presentation of corporate honors and hardware, this creative and expressive form is subtly implanted with various brand labels and brand elements, which is more extraordinary and out of the homogeneous framework, making a deep impression on people who have seen it, which is a very stunning and innovative presentation in the lighting industry.

Intriguing copywriting
The whole film is elevated in tone

In less than 90 seconds, how does the small tool ghost associate “Genesis” with the brand? How does it clearly describe the brand’s characteristics? If you look at the details, it’s easy to see that the narration of the film is a highlight!

There are three subsections in the film, the opening narration about the chaos of heaven and earth, because there is light, so that the world has color and vitality, thus bringing out the lighting methods along with the continuous evolution of social development, “I am not the God who created the world, and I am not Edison who invented the electric light”, but my growth with the progression of energy-saving lamps to LED, completed from I am not the God who created the world, nor am I the Edison who invented the electric lamp”, but my growth with the progression of CFLs to LEDs has completed from “shining” to “famous inside and outside”. At the time of the audience’s great curiosity, officially unveiled the mystery, boasting “I am a small tool ghost! The simple and penetrating text narration, interlocking, rhythmic evolution, the small weapon ghost bright appearance.

And then, “born from energy saving, should LED constantly beyond!” The film again with rhyming narration to the “small tool ghost” brand image to flesh out and packaging! After the era of energy-saving lamps, to the LED technology gradually mature today, “focus on comfortable light, for colorful life light more possibilities”, is the small tool ghost is now practicing the mission. When the film is about to enter the end, the rhythm and momentum is once again heightened, echoing the first and last. Returning to the opening of God’s creation of the world in seven days, the analogy is that Small Tools Ghost has been focusing on lighting for 20 years. Twenty years, only one thing, with professional power for global users to deliver better quality lighting products, spread more comfortable light source, to do for life to create extraordinary “light source lighting experts!

Details worthy of scrutiny
The picture makes people can’t take their eyes off

In addition to the creativity and copy captured the hearts of many viewers and fans, the picture quality and detailing of the film also received a lot of praise, many fans said it was “comparable to a cinema blockbuster”. This is also due to the small tool ghost and the film production team to improve the film’s attitude.

Taking into account the characteristics of the lighting brand, the Small Artifacts promo was conceived in the early stages of creation to present the “beauty” of light in its entirety. The film opens with a dark-toned environment, and presents the aesthetics of the small tool ghost energy-saving lamps, LED lamps, and light colors with contrasting images, highlighting the texture of the light source and the advantages of the small tool ghost light source products.

The whole film is also worth recalling for its clever handling of details. The opening scene opens with a black tone, the male protagonist is also wearing a cloak out, mysterious and full of imagination. After the brand logo of the Small Artifacts Ghost is officially displayed, the hero removes the cloak and replaces it with a smart suit, which makes the whole film brighter and more beautiful.

Twenty years, with you, me and him, together we can accomplish the dream of “Shine Extraordinary”!

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