40mm DMX black pixel light
—–MSH Maisie 11/18/2020
The pixel light is 40mm black DMX led pixel light, controller is SP108E, support dmx pixel light and SPI ws2811, ucs1903, sk6812, gs8208, ws2815 etc.
First step: download APP
Scan the app from the wifi controller, and download the app to your mobile, it supports apple, android.
Second:Connect Pixel Light to wifi controller, see below picture for 40mm pixel light.
Black is GND, Red is 24V, Blue is A, Yellow is B, Yellow is PI. Connect the Black cable to GND, VCC connect to Red cable, DAT connect to Blue cable, CLK connect to Green cable.
Third step: Connect wifi(SP108E xxxx), password(12345678).
Open your wifi, then find SP108E XXXXX, enter password.
Four Step: Choose RGB DMX512, see below picture
Five Step:Testing single color
it support single color, fullcolor, customize color and animation.